Werewolf Chat 1.5 [free]


Werewolf Chat is a yet another end-to-end encryption chat app, but with post quantum cryptography. Also allows for the use of private servers that you can
run yourself for extra privacy, just in case you don't trust my cloud based server.
What's end to end encryption?
When your messages are encrypted between users, and no 3rd party can read it. This protects your data from hackers (or others) who could break into the server, since they
could only read encrypted traffic. These encryption schemes rely on asymmetric cryptography.
What's asymmetric cryptography?
Its encryption/decryption where you have 2 keys. One is public that people use to send encrypted messages to you. The other is private which you use to decrypt the messages
you receive. You publish your public key to other users, and keep your private key secret.
What's post quantum cryptography?
Quantum computing threatens the confidentiality of several asymmetric algorithms, i.e. Shor's algorithm. Post quantum cryptography uses asymmetric algorithms that are
resistant to quantum attack
Why the name Werewolf?
Name for the application was chosen for the following:
Schrodinger's cat is both dead and alive, therefor the cat is undead.
If the cat is undead that means it is either a zombie or a vampire.
Zombies are dumb and vampires are smart.
Quantum computing crypto-analysis math is confusing at times, therefore it is probably too hard for a zombie.
Therefore Schrodinger's cat is a vampire.
What do vampires (and also probably cats) not like...
A Werewolf. Thus the chat app that protects you from Vampire Hacker Cats with end to end post quantum encryption is Werewolf Chat.
More details here: https://matthewjpyates.github.io/werewolfchat/
If you want to run your own you can get the link from here:
(you will need python3, openssl, mongo db, and npm installed for it to work)
I got the logo from here:
I got the NTRU Libary from here:
The Wiki on Shor's algorithm is here:
The source to the app is here:

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